Rare Entries Contest 3

  • Dear friends,

    I am pleased to announce the third Jules Verne Rare Entries Contest. I hope there will be even more particpants than last time, everybody who did not participate before is cordially invited to join in this contest. You can have a look at the past contests to get an idea of what it's all about:

    The purpose of this game is as follows: for each of the questions, your
    objective is to give an answer that (1) is correct, and (2) will be
    duplicated by as FEW other people as possible. More details can be found
    in the rules.

    In order to participate in the contest, send your answers to me by email
    (g.devries@phys.uu.nl) before the deadline. It is of course essential that
    nobody sees the answers given by other entrants before the deadline, so
    please do NOT send your answers to any mailing list I used to distribute
    the questions! Make sure you don't use the 'reply-to' address; use the
    'from' address instead.

    Make sure you have read the rules before submitting your answers!

    You can find the questions and the rules at

    Deadline: 1 July, 12:00 CET

    The questions

    0. Give a first name shared by at least five characters from five different Voyages Extraordinaires.

    1. Name an artist who provided at least one illustration that was included in an illustrated Hetzel edition of a Voyage Extraordinaire.

    2. Name a person who, inspired by Jules Verne's Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours, made a trip around the world in 80 days or less, and published an account of the journey, saying that Jules Verne's novel was the inspiration for it.

    3. Give the name of a submarine that is mentioned in a work by Jules Verne.

    4. Give the name of a ship that Jules Verne travelled on.

    5. Name an animal species of which at least one individual representative, in a Voyage Extraordinaire, has a proper name. That is, if a duck called Donald would appear in a Voyage Extraordinaire, than "duck" would be a correct answer.

    6. Name a Voyage Extraordinaire that is *completely* written from a first-person perspective, i.e. the narrator is one of the characters in the story.

    7. Name someone who is currently the president of a Jules Verne Society, Jules Verne Club, or similar association.

    8. Name a character from a work by Jules Verne whose full name is also the full title of the work he/she appears in (subtitles may be ignored for this question).

    9. Name someone who was Jules Verne's opponent in a court of law.

    The rules

    * 1. The Game

    For each of the questions above, your objective is to give
    an answer that (1) is correct, and (2) will be duplicated by as FEW
    other people as possible. Feel free to use any reference material
    you like to RESEARCH your answers; but when you have found enough
    possible answers for your liking, you are expected to choose on your
    own which one to submit, WITHOUT mechanical or computer assistance:
    this is meant to be a game of wits.

    * 2. Scoring

    The scores on the different questions are MULTIPLIED to produce a
    final score for each entrant. Low score wins; a perfect score is 1.

    If your answer to a question is correct, then your score is the number
    of people who gave that answer, or an answer I consider equivalent.

    A wrong answer, or a skipped question, gets a high score as a penalty.
    This is the median of:
    - the number of entrants
    - the square root of that number, rounded up to an integer
    - double the largest number of entrants giving the same answer (right or
    wrong) as each other on the question

    * 2.1 More Specific Variants

    On some questions it's possible that one entrant will give an answer
    that is a more specific variant of an answer given by someone else.
    In that case the more specific variant will usually be scored as if
    the two answers are different, but the other, less specific variant
    will be scored as if they are the same.

    * 2.2 Scoring Example

    Say I ask for a type of flying vehicle described in a Voyage
    There are 27 entrants: 19 say "balloon", 2 say "hot air balloon", 4 say
    "helicopter", 1 says "Victoria", and 1 says "flying saucer".

    The 4 people who answered "helicopter" get 4 points each. Since "hot air
    is a more specific variant of "balloon", those who said "balloon" get 21
    each, and those who said "hot air balloon" get 2 points each. "Victoria"
    is not a
    type of flying vehicle, but the name of one individual balloon, and Jules
    Verne never
    described a "flying saucer", so these answers are both wrong. The persons
    who gave
    them both get the penalty score, which is the median of:
    - number of entrants = 27
    - sqrt(27) = 5.196+, rounded up = 6
    - double the most popular answer's count = 21 x 2 = 42
    or in this case, 27.

    * 3. Entries

    Entries must be emailed to me personally by email: g.devries@phys.uu.nl.
    Do NOT send your answers to the mailing list I used to distribute the

    In general there is no penalty for errors of spelling, capitalization,
    English usage, or other such matters of form. Sometimes a specific
    question may imply stricter rules, though. And if you give an answer
    that properly refers to a different thing related to the one you
    intended, I will normally take it as written.

    Once you intentionally submit an answer, no changes will be allowed,
    unless I decide there was a problem with the question. Similarly,
    alternate answers within an entry will not be accepted. Only the
    first answer that you intentionally submit counts.

    * 3.1 Translations

    Because entrants may have read some works only in translation, I will
    be lenient with regard to foreign spellings of toponyms and proper
    names. As far as characters are concerned, slightly different versions
    of their names (e.g. Peter instead of Pierre) are acceptable, but
    names that are completely different (e.g. Harding instead of Smith)
    are wrong.

    Works by Jules Verne should be referred to by giving their French title.

    * 3.2 Clarifications

    Questions are not intended to be hard to understand, but I may fail
    in this intent. (For one thing, in many cases clarity could only be
    provided by an example which would suggest one or another specific
    answer, and I mustn't do that.)

    In order to be fair to all entrants, I must insist that requests for
    clarification must be emailed to me, NOT POSTED in any mailing list.
    But if you do ask for clarification, I'll probably say that the
    question is clear enough as posted. If I do decide to clarify or
    change a question, all entrants will be informed.

    * 3.3 Supporting Information

    It is your option whether or not to provide supporting information
    to justify your answers. If you don't, I'll email you to ask for
    it if I need to.

    If you provide any explanatory remarks along with your answers, you
    are responsible for making it sufficiently clear that they are not
    part of the answers. The particular format doesn't matter as long
    as you're clear.

    In the scoring example above, "balloon in Cinq semaines en ballon" would
    wrong, just like "Victoria" would be wrong; "balloon (e.g. in Cinq
    en ballon)" would be taken as a correct answer with an explanation.

    * 4. Meaning of commonly occurring terms

    These are general rules that apply unless a question specifically
    states otherwise.

    * 4.1 Voyage Extraordinaire

    A "Voyage Extraordinaire" is any of the novels published under this title,
    including the posthumous ones (re)written by Michel Verne, or any of the
    short stories published in a volume of the Voyages Extraordinaires under
    the name of Jules Verne.

    * 4.2 Work by Jules Verne

    A "work by Jules Verne" is any published text written by Jules Verne,
    and intended for a general audience. This includes poems (even though
    Verne never meant some of them to be read by others), and excludes
    private correspondence as well as interviews given by Verne.

    * 4.3 Character

    When I say "character" I mean a fictitious character.

    * 4.4 Movie

    A "movie" can be any movie, whether shown in theatres or on television,
    or issued directly on video. This excludes tv series, mini series and
    the like. Whether something is a movie or a series is determined by its
    listing in the Internet Movie DataBase (www.imdb.com).

    * 4.5 Country

    "Country" means a nation that was/is independent at the time relevant
    for the question. Dependencies are not independent countries. Whether
    or not a place is considered an independent country is determined by
    how it is listed in reference sources.

    * 4.6 Web Pages

    If I ask for material on the WWW, what you cite must already have
    existed before the contest was first posted.

    * 5. Judging

    As moderator, I will be the sole judge of what answers are correct,
    and whether two answers with similar meaning are considered the same,
    different, or more/less specific variants. I will do my best to be
    fair on all such issues, but sometimes it is necessary to be arbitrary.

    I may rescore the contest if I agree that I made a serious error and
    it affects the high finishers.

    * 6. Results

    Results will normally be posted within a few days of the contest
    closing. They may be delayed if I'm unexpectedly busy or for
    technical reasons.

    Best regards,

  • Du lieber Himmel, das geht ja wie am Schnürchen bei Dir :D - naja bis zum ersten Juli habe ich ja noch ein wenig Zeit ;)

  • Zitat

    Original von Clavelina
    Du lieber Himmel, das geht ja wie am Schnürchen bei Dir :D

    Ja, ich mochte diese 3. Runde noch vor dem Sommer vollenden, denn im Juli und August sind viele auf den Ferien.