TV: Captain Nemo and the Underwater City

  • TCM
    Mi., 09. Februar


    Captain Nemo and the Underwater City

    Ryan, Connors and Newman are the intrepid adventurers in this underwater fantasy tracking the further exploits of Jules Verne's visionary Victorian submariner, Captain Nemo, here introducing the survivors of a shipwreck to his fabulous undersea city.

    Captain Nemo and the Underwater City - Abenteuerfilm, GB 1969 Mittwoch, 09.02.2005
    Beginn: 02.10 Uhr Ende: 03.55 Uhr Länge: 105 Min.

    Darsteller: Robert Ryan, Chuck Connors, Nanette Newman, Luciana Paluzzi, Bill Fraser, Kenneth Connor
    Regie: James Hill
    FSK: 12

    Termin vom 9.2.2005