Posted by micomms on Mar 2, 2012 in News
4Kids Entertainment Heads Around The World With Jules Verne!
London, 1st March 2012: 4Kids Entertainment International, the children’s entertainment and merchandise licensing company, today announced it has been appointed the global licensing agent for ‘J.V. The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne’, the brand new action/comedy animation that has been developed by Lux Vide in cooperation with Rai Fiction and Musicartoon.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne imagines that the legendary author of classics such as ‘20,000 Leagues under the Sea’, ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ and ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ actually lived through these experiences as a young man! In the show, Jules is joined by a host of other characters, including the feisty Amelie Lucas, who is the same age as Jules and a born-adventurer, and her father Artemius, an explorer and journalist who employs the young Jules on the editorial staff of his newspaper. Together they battle against the forces of the evil Captain Nemo – the villain of the piece who is intent on taking over the world through his technological genius.
This beautifully animated TV series is comprised of 26x26min episodes, with a target audience of kids 6 – 11, scheduled for a spring 2013 debut. The series boasts wonderful design details and will take kids on an amazing adventure with every episode. Development of the licensing and merchandising programme is set to kick off with the launch of toys, games, interactive and collectables in 2013, followed by back to school, apparel and accessories. A beautiful and fully developed style guide is available to licensees who wish to take advantage of the brand’s significant licensing potential.
Luca Bernabei, Head of Production at Lux Vide, said: “I’m delighted with both the Italian quality of the design and the uniqueness of the stories we have created. Jules Verne’s message and credo to use talents to the best ability is what makes Jules a super hero.”
Matilde Bernabei, President of Lux Vide, adds: “We are very pleased to be working with 4Kids Entertainment who has demonstrated success in kids animation. We are looking forward to developing an exciting licensing programme for Jules Verne together with 4Kids.”
“The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne – combines funny and exciting scripts with sumptuous production values, well developed characters, as well as brand equity for the Jules Verne classic literary works, it is sure to appeal to a broad range of kids,” said Sandra Vauthier-Cellier, Managing Director, 4Kids Entertainment International. “This gives us a solid platform to work from and we are looking forward to presenting the property to the global licensing community.”
For more information and images, please contact:
Sara Wingrove, mi-commsPR or on Tel: 01494 775250
Jules Verne als Star einer italienischen Cartoon-Reihe
cantisflas -
March 9, 2012 at 4:48 PM
- Official Post
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Weitere Infos:
Year: 2012 Format: 26x26' target 6-10 Genre: Action Comedy - 70% male and 30% female Language: English and Italian Category: Animation
Synopsis: 19th-century French writer Jules Verne is one of the greatest writers of modern times. His adventure stories have inspired generations of readers. But what would you say if you found out everything he wrote about in his novels he had actually experienced first-hand, as a boy, reaching the four corners of the globe together with the fearless and charming Amelie and the experienced and unpredictable Artemius Lucas?Summary of Episodes
Ep. 1: South Africa
Young Jules Verne is a law student at Sorbonne University, but he really longs to travel and become a travel writer. He manages to thwart an attempted robbery at the offices of Contes De Voyages travel magazine and is welcomed to join the magazine on an expedition in Africa. The travel group -comprised of Artemius Lucas (director of the magazine), his daughter Amelie, Jules (the same age as Amelie), De L’Ennuì (the bookkeeper), Esther (the nanny) and their dog Hatteras- sets out with the intention of measuring the twenty-forth meridian. Yet it seems someone wants to foil their plans. Two Russians, Streux and Zorn, pretend to be scientists in order to be included on the expedition, but they are really on a mission for the mysterious Captain Nemo, who wants to undermine the group’s plans.
Ep.2: Nautilus
The editorial staff of Contes de Voyages has set sail on Captain Farragut’s ship, the “Lincoln”, in search of a mysterious monster that destroys ships. After some problems at sea, Amelie and Jules are swallowed up by the waves. Yet the monster is nothing more than an avant-garde submarine under the command of Captain Nemo, a brilliant man with wicked plans whose life has been marked by a deep wound. A wound that even Artemius possibly has something to do with.
Ep.3: Cliffs of Oban
Two elderly men, Syb and Sam Dupont, ask Artemius and his entourage to accompany their daughter Helena on a journey in search of a mysterious green ray of light. In fact, as an engagement gift, the young girl has asked to see the very rare green ray, particularly spotted in Scotland, which was first described in the famous legend of Breena and her lost love. Yet once the group arrives near the cliffs of Oban, they discover that something more lies behind the legend.
Ep. 4: The Mysterious Island
Monsieur Kolderup, a wealthy and eccentric old man, has invited the editorial staff of Contes de Voyages to map out his Island, which currently cannot be found on any map. During their trip, however, the group is forced to endure different hardships that the island’s unexplored vegetation has in store for them… only to find out that, maybe this island isn’t so “unexplored” after all.
Ep. 5: The Moon
The members of the Baltimore Gun Club are on the verge of carrying out a great mission- to launch the first man on the moon in a shuttle shot out of a huge cannon. Jules and the others go to watch the event and are welcomed by Nicholls, an engineer. Yet Nicholls isn’t really the engineer he claims to be and there seems to be someone else who is interested in the technologically advanced cannon… Nemo.
Ep. 6: Gibraltar
Artemius, an expert scholar in the study of monkeys, is invited by General Anderson to examine a strange phenomenon. A host of monkeys, under the command of a leader who is half-man half-ape, has attacked Fort Gibraltar. Who is this famous Pithecantrop really? Could there be a different intention behind the colonel’s call for help? And maybe even the mysterious animal has something to hide...
Ep.7: Lands of the Czar
Jules and the others are invited by the Czar of Russia to go to the famous market in Irkustk. They soon find out, however, that the terrible Ogareff is advancing into the kingdom with his bandits, in search of the Czar’s very precious “diamond”. Artemius offers to accompany Michele Strogoff, one of the emperor’s most loyal men, on a dangerous journey to save the “diamond”.
Ep. 8: Meteor Hunt
A large meteor is about to hit Japan, but an ingenious laser cannon deviates its path and the editorial staff of Contes de Voyages has been sent to participate in the event. But the meteor is much more important than what everyone thinks and Nemo can’t let this one get away.
Ep.9: Carpathian Mountains
Statues that come to life, ghosts and other strange phenomenon disturb a village in the Carpathian Mountains. Jules and the others are called to “investigate” the peculiar activities that link these strange occurrences to Barone De Gortz’s castle.
Ep. 10: Around the World
The members of the London Reform Club have made a bet. The editorial staff of Contes de Voyages will travel around the world in exactly 80 days and not one minute more. The group sets off, but winning this bet is no easy task.
Ep. 11: Charleston
Artemius is in America for a series of conferences and has been kidnapped by a group of Southern rebels hiding in the Charleston wetlands. It’s up to Jules and Amelie, along with their friend Gildas Tregomain, to go and save him.
Ep. 12: Albatross
A strange flying contraption that shoots bolts of lightning and robs trains of valuables flies off, undisturbed. Scientist Jameson calls on Jules and the others to hunt it down. They discover there is only one man capable of building such an aircraft. Nemo.
Ep. 13: Niger River
Jules and the editorial staff of Contes accompany Clovis Dardentor, an eccentric millionaire, on an expedition in Africa to photograph the very rare white rhinoceros. The expedition, however, turns out to be quite dangerous. Clovis seems to attract trouble and Jules and Amelie find themselves rescuing Clovis time and time again.
Ep. 14: Amazon River
Artemius’ old friend Garral has invited him to his daughter Nina’s wedding, which will be held on a Jangada along the Amazon River. But someone is plotting against Garral, someone who knows the secret of his past. -
- Official Post
QuoteEp.15: The Ice Sphinx
Jules and the others set off on an expedition with Captain Len Guy in search of a new route to Antarctica. Something goes wrong on the way and they find themselves in front of the enormous Ice Sphinx, a magnetic rock that must not fall into the wrong hands…especially not Nemo’s.
Ep. 16: Center of the Earth
Jules, Amelie and Artemius set off on an expedition to the center of the Earth in search of young Johan Saknussem. They discover a new, unexplored world full of hidden dangers.
Ep. 17: Sahara
Jules and the rest of the editorial staff set off for the Sahara desert to write an article on the amazing project, “Seas of the Sahara”, that engineer Steinx is working on. But there’s someone who wants to sabotage the project.
Ep. 18: Mystery Island
The editorial staff of Contes sets off on an expedition, travelling on the Domus Errans- a flying house built by Cyrus Smith, a volcanologist and friend of Artemius. But a heavy storm forces them to land on an Island inhabited by strange, hideous creatures where Artemius and Captain Nemo finally meet, face to face.
Ep. 19: Gulf of Bengal
A new expedition in India awaits Jules and the gang. Artemius’ friend General Munro hopes to find his long lost wife Laurence and they head off through the jungle on a steam-powered house in the shape of an elephant. But someone is watching them and directing their movements.
Ep. 20: The Black Indies
The editorial staff of Contes heads off to Ayr in Scotland to investigate some strange occurrences going on there. A coal mine seems to be haunted by an elf and a witch that create damage, putting the miners in danger and terrifying them. But maybe a rational explanation lies behind these events…
Ep.21: Great Eyry
Jules and the gang are at a pioneer automobile race in Philadelphia when a mysterious mechanical spider steals the safe that holds the prize money and even kidnaps De L’Ennuì. Jules and the others set off in pursuit of the contraption to save their bookkeeper, only to discover the inventor of such an incredible invention could be none other than Nemo.
Ep. 22: Golden Mount
Jules convinces Artemius and the others to head off to the Klondike with his friend Ben to check out the land Ben’s gold prospecting father left him. Once they arrive, however, they are pulled into an expedition led by Ledun, an old prospector in search of the legendary “Mountain of Gold”.
Ep. 23: Chancellor
Jules and the others are aboard the Chancellor during an expedition to Brazil when the ship gets stuck in the middle of the Ocean because there is no wind. Someone on the very same ship, however, is transporting some very important and dangerous cargo for Captain Nemo. The Captain himself is so close to carrying out his plan that he cannot allow any setbacks.
Ep. 24: Kamylk Pascià’s Treasure
Gildas Tregomain asks Artemius and Jules to help him find a treasure he’s inherited from the lawyer Kamylk Pascià, a man whose life he once saved. Their quest, however, is difficult and full of unexpected events, caused mostly by Gildas’ travel companion, the frisky Master Antifer.
Ep. 25: Steel City (I)
Several strange occurrences take place in various parts of the world. Only one man lies behind such phenomenon- Nemo. And he’s prepared to demonstrate his power to the entire world. Secret agents Nicholls and Jameson ask the editorial staff of Contes for help, since they have already confronted Captain Nemo several times. But someone else has decided to pay Jules a visit too- his father, Monsieur Verne. The man is determined to find out what his son is really doing in Paris and finds himself on an adventure that leads him directly to Nemo’s headquarters.
Ep. 26: Steel City (II)
Jules and the others have reached Captain Nemo’s headquarters, an amazing avant-garde city of steel where Nemo prepares to dominate the world. Only a few hours separate Nemo from putting his outrageous plan into effect and Jules, Amelie and Artemius must stop him at all costs. -
- Official Post
QuoteEn principe, c'est pour les 6-10 ans. Mais gageons que, quel que soit leur âge, bon nombre d'amoureux de Jules Verne ne manqueront aucun des 26 épisodes de cette nouvelle série de dessins animés qui s'annonce passionnante. Jules Verne y interprète son propre rôle, mais alors qu'il n'est encore qu'un jeune étudiant en droit à la Sorbonne (sic). L'idée des scénaristes est de lui faire vivre les aventures dont il s'inspirera plus tard pour écrire ses Voyages Extraordinaires. Une bonne façon en réalité de faire découvrir la quasi-totalité de son oeuvre à nos chères petites têtes. C'est ainsi que l'on va retrouver le jeune Jules et ses amis (dont le chien Hatteras) tour à tour en Afrique du Sud, à mesurer le 24e méridien ; prisonniers à bord du Nautilus ; puis en Russie, où ils vont accompagner un certain Michel Strogoff et se coltiner au méchant Ogareff ; en Amérique, où ils vont rencontrer les membres du Gun-Club ; naufragés sur une île mystérieuse ; à la chasse au météore ; à bord du Chancellor ; à la poursuite d'un étrange engin volant nommé l'Albatros, dans les Carpathes, etc, etc. Sachant que chaque épisode dure 26 minutes, cela représente plus de 11 heures d'aventures en perspective ! Seul problème : le lancement international de cette nouvelle série, produite par la compagnie italienne Lux Vide, n'aura lieu qu'au printemps 2013 (sous la direction du groupe New-Yorkais 4Kids Entertainment International, qui vient tout juste d'en acquérir les droits de diffusion et d'exploitation). Pfff... c'est loin ça... 2013 !!!
NB : Voici les thèmes d'inspiration des 26 épisodes :
1: Aventures de Trois Russes et de Trois Anglais dans l'Afrique Australe - 2: Vingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers - 3: Le Rayon Vert - 4: L'Ecole des Robinsons - 5: De la Terre à la Lune - 6: Gibraltar - 7: Michel Strogoff - 8: La Chasse au Météore - 9: Le Château des Carpathes - 10: Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours - 11: Face au Drapeau - 12: Robur le Conquérant - 13: Clovis Dardentor - 14: La Jangada - 15: Le Sphinx des Glaces - 16: Voyage au Centre de la Terre - 17: L'invasion de la mer - 18: L'Ile Mystérieuse - 19: La Maison à Vapeur - 20: Les Indes Noires - 21: Maître du Monde - 22: Le Volcan d'Or - 23: Le Chancellor - 24: Mirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer – 25 et 26 : Le Capitaine Nemo.
Les synopsis de chaque épiqode (en anglais), ainsi qu'un extrait de l'un d'eux (à bord du Nautilus avec le Capitaine Nemo), sont disponibles sur le site du producteur Lux Vide. -
Neue Trailer zu "Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde" und "Jagd auf den Meteor" sind auf der oben genannten Website zu finden. Der Ausstrahlungstermin nähert sich.
Die Serie läuft ab 14. September auf Raidue. Jeweils samstags und sonntags. Hoffen wir, dass es bald eine deutsche oder zumindest englischsprachige Auswertung gibt!
- Official Post
Verdammt, den Sender bekommt man nicht im Free-TV über Sat, oder?
Ist dir damit geholfen?
- Official Post
Danke, aber Hotbird empfange ich leider nicht.
Ich habe damit angefangen, die Serie auf Englisch zu untertiteln:…-7gnZGA7Ou2CTuc
- Official Post
Und: Herzlich willkommen im Forum! -
Yout Tube bietet auch die Möglichkeit die Untertitel in die entsprechend gewünschte Sprache übersetzen zu lassen. Ergo spanische Tonfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln *g*
Die nächste Folge ist jetzt fertig:
Kuhl, danke!
Folge 10 ist jetzt fertig:
- Official Post
Die Serie hat auch einen schriftlichen Ableger bekommen: Mindestens zwei Taschenbücher sind bereits erschienen: Le straordinarie avventure di Jules Verne. Ich war neugierig und habe mir mal die Ausgabe Nautilus zugelegt. Ich würde sagen, es handelt sich um ein Bilderbuch mit großem Textanteil. Die Bilder scheinen der TV-Serie entnommen zu sein. Wer des Italienischen mächtig ist und die Trickserie mag, der kann sich bedenkenlos die schicken Taschenbücher zulegen.
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